Race: State Meet
Date: Saturday, November 5th
Place: St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN - warmup/camp area for participating athletes is in the Tostrud Center on the old indoor track.
Meet at Trinity School at 10:00am to drive down to the meet with teammates
Drivers: Kim Kelly-Sommer (6), Jesse Schoen (6), Teresa Stephenson (7) and any others that want to caravan at this time from Trinity
Class AA Girls Race: 10:00am
Class AA Boys Race: 11:00am
Class AA Awards: 11:30am in Tostrud Center gymnasium
Class A Girls Race: 1:00pm
Class A Boys Race: 2:00pm
Class A Awards: 2:30am in Tostrud Center gymnasium
Directions from Trinity:
...on 35:
take 494 West to 35E South
take 35E South to 35 South
take 35 South to Hwy 19 going East
take Hwy 19 East for about 5-6 miles to St. Olaf College (spectator parking will be on the east side of campus)
...on Hwy 3:
take Argenta Trail to 70th Street W going East
take 70th Street W to Hwy 3/Robert Street going South (right)
take Hwy 3 through Rosemount, Farmington and into Northfield
take Hwy 3 to Hwy 19 and go West (right)
take Hwy 19 West for about a mile to St. Olaf College (spectator parking will be on the east side of campus)
Race Distances and Maps:
Boys Race 5000m Course Map
Girls Race 4000m Course Map
Schedule for the Girls Team and Charlie Leighton:
11:00am - arrive at Race Site/Tostrud Center indoor track
11:15-11:45am - setup camp, pickup packet information, turn in forms, get race numbers, see the course
12:30pm - girls warmup, stretch, get to starting line early (teammates are encouraged to warmup with the team)
1:00pm - Girls race (Lane 22)
1:30pm - boys warmup, stretch, get to starting line early (teammates are encouraged to warmup with Charlie)
2:00pm - Boys race (Lane 9)
2:30pm - Class A awards (...these always start late by 15-20 minutes)
Top 3 Teams: Trophies and Team Medals
Top 7 Individuals: Medals
Top 25 Individuals: All-State
Date: Saturday, November 5th
Place: St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN - warmup/camp area for participating athletes is in the Tostrud Center on the old indoor track.
Meet at Trinity School at 10:00am to drive down to the meet with teammates
Drivers: Kim Kelly-Sommer (6), Jesse Schoen (6), Teresa Stephenson (7) and any others that want to caravan at this time from Trinity
Class AA Girls Race: 10:00am
Class AA Boys Race: 11:00am
Class AA Awards: 11:30am in Tostrud Center gymnasium
Class A Girls Race: 1:00pm
Class A Boys Race: 2:00pm
Class A Awards: 2:30am in Tostrud Center gymnasium
Directions from Trinity:
...on 35:
take 494 West to 35E South
take 35E South to 35 South
take 35 South to Hwy 19 going East
take Hwy 19 East for about 5-6 miles to St. Olaf College (spectator parking will be on the east side of campus)
...on Hwy 3:
take Argenta Trail to 70th Street W going East
take 70th Street W to Hwy 3/Robert Street going South (right)
take Hwy 3 through Rosemount, Farmington and into Northfield
take Hwy 3 to Hwy 19 and go West (right)
take Hwy 19 West for about a mile to St. Olaf College (spectator parking will be on the east side of campus)
Race Distances and Maps:
Boys Race 5000m Course Map
Girls Race 4000m Course Map
Schedule for the Girls Team and Charlie Leighton:
11:00am - arrive at Race Site/Tostrud Center indoor track
11:15-11:45am - setup camp, pickup packet information, turn in forms, get race numbers, see the course
12:30pm - girls warmup, stretch, get to starting line early (teammates are encouraged to warmup with the team)
1:00pm - Girls race (Lane 22)
1:30pm - boys warmup, stretch, get to starting line early (teammates are encouraged to warmup with Charlie)
2:00pm - Boys race (Lane 9)
2:30pm - Class A awards (...these always start late by 15-20 minutes)
Top 3 Teams: Trophies and Team Medals
Top 7 Individuals: Medals
Top 25 Individuals: All-State