Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Parent Meet Workers


Thank you to all parents for your support and assistance to give these runners the best meet schedule we can and help run two of the best high school meets this fall.

We also tried to designate a girls parent worker for the boys race and a boys parent worker for the girls race - that's why you see two parents listed for any working spots that will occur during the race.  The second family/parent listed will take over for the first listed.

Please let me know if you have not signed up to work, but would be able to help out for any of the needed spots.

Private School Championships-

Here's the list of parents scheduled to work at the Private School Championships at St. Catherine University in St. Paul on Thursday, September 15th, 2016:

                                    Jr High & Girls Races / Boys Races
Chute Worker/Finish Line:  Rachel Tallarini / Regina Kehl
Chute Worker/Finish Line:  Kelly Iverson / Anne Michalak
Chute Worker/Finish Line:  Eileen Wilkin / Lucy Cunningham
Chute Worker/Finish Line:  Kathy Norlien / Jessica Chen
Chute Worker/Finish Line:  Sara Yaeger / Lori Martin
Chute Worker/Finish Line:  Jane Zhao / Pat Mealey
Finish Line Video Recorder:  Doug Erickson / Doug Erickson
Course Worker/Directions:  Anita Baum / Sally Ennis
Course Worker/Directions:  Diane Rachac / Cristy Brink
Course Worker/Directions:  Barb Seery / Suzy Turbenson
Course Worker/Directions:  Tom Kintz / Tom Turbenson
Course Worker/Directions:  Mary Donahue / Chuck Howland
Split Announcer 1-Mile Mark: Lonny Cruse / Lonny Cruse
Split Announcer 2-Mile Mark:  Jeanette Leighton / Jen Theis
Race Lead Biker:  Richard Baum

Please report to the finish line/chute area at 3:30pm to receive instructions from Jesse Schoen and Craig Yotter of USATF Minnesota for your work assignment.

Trinity Invitational-

Here's the list of parents scheduled to work at our home meet, the Trinity Invitational at the Dakota County Fairgrounds on Thursday, October 6th, 2016:

                                    Girls Race / Boys Race
Chute Worker/Finish Line:  Rebecca Lorenz / Anne Michalak
Chute Worker/Finish Line:  John Norlien / Pat Mealey
Chute Worker/Finish Line: Charlie Cudd / June Klaphake
Chute Worker/Crowd Control: Ben Cunningham / Ben Cunningham
Timer/Chute Worker:  Sara Yaeger / Sally Ennis
Timer/Results Helper:  Kelly Iverson / Cristy Brink
Course Worker/Directions:  Eileen Wilkin / Missy Marble
Course Worker/Directions:  Anita Baum / Sarah Howland
Course Worker/Directions:  Richard Baum / Chuck Howland
Course Worker/Directions:  Jess Chen / Katherine Lewis
Course Worker/Directions:  Barb Seery / Suzy Turbenson
Course Worker/Directions:  Lori Martin / Rachel Tallarini
Course Worker/Directions:  Diane Rachac / Tom Leighton
Split Announcer/1-Mile Mark:  Lonny Cruse / Lonny Cruse
Split Announcer/2-Mile Mark:  Dawn Whittenburg / Ben Kehl
Race Lead/Trail Bikers:  Larry Boyes / Kristi Boyes

More details and instruction will be sent to parents/workers before the meet. We will also have a workers meeting at 4:00pm, 30 minutes before the races start, with Kim Kelly-Sommer, Jesse Schoen and Craig Yotter of USATF Minnesota to go over final details on race day.

If you have any questions for now, please let me know.


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