Sunday, August 23, 2015

Trinity CC Letter Points

Here are the Final 2015 Trinity Cross Country Letter Point Standings:

209 - Henry Brink - 18-SUM, 7-AL, 2-R, 28-RK, 22-P, 28-M, 26-S, 17-T, 15-MC, 42-S, 4-SR
177 - Dob Kintz - 10-SUM, 5-AL, 2-R, 23-RK, 18-P, 23-M, 24-S, 16-T, 13-MC, 40-S, 3-JR
172 - Raymond Tallarini - 12-SUM, 4-AL, 2-R, 22-RK, 18-P, 21-M, 23-S, 15-T, 13-MC, 38-S, 4-SR
171 - Henry Leighton - 11-SUM, 6-AL, 2-R, 24-RK, 19-P, 12-M, 24-S, 16-T, 14-MC, 40-S, 3-JR
163 - Alex Baum - 10-SUM, 5-AL, 2-R, 21-RK, 18-P, 20-M, 21-S, 15-T, 12-MC, 36-S, 3-JR
119 - Thomas Wilkin - 14-SUM, 6-AL, 2-R, 22-RK, 21-P, 24-M, 15-T, 13-MC, 2-SO
100 - Charlie Cruse - 3-SUM, 2-R, 13-RK, 7-P, 6-M, 14-S, 12-T, 10-MC, 32-S, 1-FR
49 - Will Rachac - 5-SUM, 3-AL, 7-RK, 4-P, 4-M, 5-S, 6-T, 4-MC, 10-S, 1-FR
46 - Josiah Sommer - 12-SUM, 2-RK, 3-M, 4-S, 4-T, 5-MC, 12-S, 4-SR
45 - Kainoa Victor - 8-SUM, 1-AL, 6-RK, 2-P, 2-M, 8-T, 1-CAA, 4-MC, 12-S, 1-JH
41 - Charlie Cudd - 1-SUM, 3-AL, 2-R, 6-RK, 4-P, 5-S, 3-T, 4-MC, 12-S, 1-FR
--40 Points = Varsity Letter--
34 - Daniel Votel - 5-SUM, 2-AL, 2-R, 3-RK, 2-P, 3-M, 4-S, 2-T, 2-MC, 7-S, 2-SO
29 - Erik Iverson - 9-SUM, 2-AL, 2-R, 2-RK, 1-P, 1-M, 2-T, 1-CAA, 2-MC, 6-S, 1-JH
29 - Mitchell Arend - 1-SUM, 2-R, 10-RK, 1-P, 2-M, 2-T, 3-MC, 7-S, 1-JH
26 - Patrick Votel - 5-SUM, 1-AL, 1-R, 2-M, 3-S, 2-T, 2-MC, 6-S, 4-SR
19 - Joshua Cline-Cole - 3-SUM, 2-R, 1-P, 1-M, 2-S, 1-T, 2-MC, 3-S, 4-SR
19 - Thomas Whittenburg - 1-SUM, 2-AL, 2-R, 2-RK, 2-P, 2-M, 1-T, 2-MC, 3-S, 2-SO
15 - Nathaniel Cline-Cole - 2-SUM, 1-R, 2-RK, 1-P, 2-M, 1-T, 2-MC, 3-S, 1-FR
15 - Nyaga Kariuki - 2-SUM, 2-R, 2-RK, 1-P, 2-M, 1-MC, 3-S, 1-FR
15 - Lucas Lorenz - 3-SUM, 1-AL, 2-RK, 1-P, 1-M, 1-T, 1-CAA, 1-MC, 3-S, 1-JH
14 - Sam True - 2-SUM, 1-AL, 2-R, 1-RK, 1-P, 1-M, 1-T, 1-MC, 2-S, 2-SO
13 - Sawyer Hammond - 2-RK, 2-P, 1-M, 1-T, 2-MC, 4-S, 1-FR
13 - Carl Yaeger - 2-SUM, 1-AL, 1-R, 1-RK, 1-P, 1-M, 1-T, 1-CAA, 1-MC, 2-S, 1-JH
13 - Dominic Cudd - 1-SUM, 1-AL, 1-R, 2-RK, 1-P, 1-M, 1-T, 1-CAA, 1-MC, 2-S, 1-JH
11 - Ethan Cline-Cole - 1-SUM, 1-R, 1-RK, 1-P, 1-M, 1-T, 1-CAA, 1-MC, 2-S, 1-JH
10 - Stephen Norlien - 1-SUM, 2-RK, 2-M, 2-S, 3-JR
5 - Gabriel Cruse - 1-R, 2-RK, 1-M, 1-CAA

207 - Becca Wilkin - 10-SUM, 8-AL, 2-R, 28-RK, 22-P, 30-M, 28-S, 18-T, 15-MC, 42-S, 4-SR
201 - Grace Ennis - 14-SUM, 7-AL, 2-R, 26-RK, 22-P, 28-M, 26-S, 17-T, 14-MC, 42-S, 3-JR
180 - Kate Cunningham - 9-SUM, 2-R, 24-RK, 21-P, 26-M, 24-S, 17-T, 2-CAA, 14-MC, 40-S, 1-JH
163 - Charlotte Howland - 7-SUM, 6-AL, 2-R, 23-RK, 17-P, 23-M, 22-S, 16-T, 13-MC, 34-S, 3-JR
155 - Elizabeth Neil - 3-SUM, 1-R, 21-RK, 20-P, 26-M, 23-S, 15-T, 11-MC, 34-S, 1-FR
118 - Emily Balsbaugh - 8-SUM, 5-AL, 19-RK, 6-P, 10-M, 18-S, 13-T, 10-MC, 28-S, 1-FR
115 - Katie Michalak - 13-SUM, 5-AL, 2-R, 19-RK, 13-P, 9-M, 8-S, 10-T, 5-MC, 28-S, 3-JR
106 - Anna Maunu - 14-SUM, 1-AL, 2-R, 19-RK, 13-P, 19-M, 14-S, 8-T, 4-MC, 12-S, 3-JR
102 - Marie DeMarais - 12-SUM, 6-AL, 2-R, 15-RK, 7-P, 16-M, 6-S, 11-T, 10-MC, 14-S, 3-JR
71 - Gracie Carlson - 4-SUM, 4-AL, 2-R, 17-RK, 5-P, 5-M, 7-S, 8-T, 4-MC, 12-S, 3-JR
62 - Marcella Brylski - 12-SUM, 2-R, 14-RK, 5-P, 5-M, 5-S, 5-T, 2-MC, 8-S, 4-SR
48 - Madeleine Brylski - 11-SUM, 2-R, 8-RK, 4-P, 3-M, 3-S, 4-T, 2-MC, 7-S, 4-SR
46 - Abby Turbenson - 6-SUM, 2-R, 10-RK, 4-P, 3-M, 3-S, 5-T, 3-MC, 8-S, 3-JR
--40 Points = Varsity Letter--
35 - Elizabeth Walter - 6-SUM, 1-R, 5-RK, 3-P, 2-M, 2-S, 3-T, 2-MC, 7-S, 4-SR
33 - Hannah Kehl - 8-SUM, 1-R, 4-RK, 2-P, 2-M, 3-T, 2-MC, 7-S, 4-SR
18 - Abby Theis - 2-R, 2-RK, 1-P, 2-T, 1-CAA, 2-MC, 7-S, 1-JH
13 - Amelia Tallarini - 4-SUM, 2-R, 1-RK, 1-P, 1-T, 3-S, 1-FR
13 - Katia Brink - 1-AL, 1-R, 1-RK, 1-P, 1-M, 1-T, 1-CAA, 1-MC, 4-S, 1-JH
13 - Beatrice Monhaut - 1-AL, 1-RK, 1-P, 1-M, 1-T, 1-CAA, 1-MC, 5-S, 1-JH
10 - Vivian Shi - 1-AL, 2-R, 2-RK, 1-P, 1-M, 3-JR
10 - Lydia Tallarini - 1-AL, 1-R, 1-RK, 1-P, 1-M, 1-CAA, 1-T, 2-S, 1-JH
5 - Crystal Shen - 1-M, 1-T, 1-MC, 1-S, 1-FR

Athletes must obtain 40 points over the course of the Cross Country season and finish the season as a team member to earn a varsity letter. Letter points can be earned by running summer mileage, performance and completion of races and by finishing the season in good standing with positive Attendance Points.

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