Sunday, November 8, 2015

State Meet Results


Saturday was a great day to be a Tri-Hawk runner. 

The girls team got off to a great start with two individual all-state medalists - Becca Wilkin (5th) and Grace Ennis (9th) - and the team earned a trip to the medal stand again in 2015 with a 3rd place team finish! 

The boys team followed that up with an individual all-state performance from Henry Brink (13th) and finishing 5th place as a team.  A top 5 team finish in our first boys team appearance at the State Meet is an outstanding achievement.

State Meet Results-

Class A Girls-
Trinity Team Time: 1:41:12.8 (20:14.6 average) - 3rd place of 16 teams (118 pts)
Team Range: 2:14.0
19:09.4 - Becca Wilkin (5:54, 6:17, 6:12, :46) - 5th place (1st team place)
19:23.4 - Grace Ennis (5:55, 6:28, 6:13, :47) - 9th place (3rd team place)
20:38.1 - Elizabeth Neil (6:27, 6:41, 6:30, :50) - 74th place (27th team place)
20:38.5 - Kate Cunningham (6:15, 6:53, 6:40, :50) - 76th place (28th team place)
21:23.4 - Charlotte Howland (6:28, 6:53, 7:10, :52) - 118th place (59th team place)
21:26.3 - Katie Michalak (6:38, 7:04, 6:53, :51) - 122nd place (62nd team place)
22:09.8 - Marie DeMarais (6:34, 7:11, 7:32, :54) - 151st place (88th team place)
(176 total girls runners)

Full Girls Results-

Class A Boys-
Trinity Time Team: 1:27:39.2 (17:31.9 average) - 5th place of 16 teams (186 pts)
Team Range: 1:26.9
16:39.2 - Henry Brink (5:07, 5:31, 5:23, :38) - 13th place (8th team place)
17:26.9 - Dob Kintz (5:24, 5:44, 5:39, :39) - 67th place (31st team place)
17:33.6 - Thomas Wilkin (5:28, 5:46, 5:39, :40) - 76th place (36th team place)
17:53.4 - Henry Leighton (5:21, 5:50, 6:00, :42) - 106th place (51st team place)
18:06.1 - Raymond Tallarini (5:30, 6:00, 5:54, :42) - 116th place (60th team place)
18:23.9 - Alex Baum (5:30, 6:01, 6:09, :43) - 140th place (78th team place)
18:31.7 - Charlie Cruse (5:35, 6:07, 6:06, :43) - 145th place (83rd team place)
(176 total boys runners)

Full Boys Results-

State Individual Medalists-
Becca Wilkin (5th place)
Grace Ennis (9th place)

All-State Individuals-

Becca Wilkin (5th place)
Grace Ennis (9th place)
Henry Brink (13th place)

Academic All-State Teams-
Both the Trinity Boys and Girls Cross Country teams achieved the highest level of academic all-state honor - Gold Level. This means that the varsity runners listed on the Section 4A roster averaged a GPA level of 3.75 or higher. Congratulations to both squads!

Academic All-State Individuals-
Becca Wilkin (2nd place - senior)
Grace Ennis (4th place - junior)
Henry Brink (3rd place - senior)
Dob Kintz (9th place - junior)
Raymond Tallarini (13th place - senior)

If a runner is in grades 10-12, places in the top 15 at the Section meet, and has a GPA over 3.75 - they also are recognized as individual academic all-state student-athletes. Congratulations to these runners!

Lots of time, effort and hard work went into the 2015 season to make it a memorable one.  A special thanks to all of the family, friends and fans that supported our runners and made Saturday such a special day in Tri-Hawk history with both teams competing at the State Meet...first-ever for the boys, and first-time together.  Thanks to all for being a part of it!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

State Meet Information

Race: State Meet
Date: Saturday, November 7th, 2015
Place: St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN - warmup/camp area for participating athletes is in the Tostrud Center on the old indoor track.
Driving:  Meet at Trinity School at 10:30am to drive down to the meet with teammates

Class A Girls Race: 1:00pm
Class A Boys Race: 2:00pm
Class A Awards: 3:00pm in Tostrud Center gymnasium

Directions from Trinity:
...on 35:
take 494 West to 35E South
take 35E South to 35 South
take 35 South to Hwy 19 going East
take Hwy 19 East for about 5-6 miles to St. Olaf College (spectator parking will be on the east side of campus)

...on Hwy 3:
take Argenta Trail to 70th Street W going East
take 70th Street W to Hwy 3/Robert Street going South (right)
take Hwy 3 through Rosemount, Farmington and into Northfield
take Hwy 3 to Hwy 19 and go West (right)
take Hwy 19 West for about a mile to St. Olaf College (spectator parking will be on the east side of campus)

Race Distances and Maps:
Boys Race 5000m Course Map:

Schedule for Boys and Girls teams:
10:30am - Leave Trinity
11:15-11:30am - arrive at Race Site/Tostrud Center indoor track
11:45-noon - setup camp, see the course
12:20pm - girls warmup, stretch, get to starting line 20 minutes early
1:00pm - Class A Girls Race (Lane 14)
1:20pm - boys warmup, stretch, get to starting line 20 minutes early
2:00pm - Class A Boys race (Lane 11)
2:40pm - go to auditorium for awards ceremony (we will go to the awards, even if we aren't involved)
3:00pm - Class A awards
3:40-4:00pm - pack up and leave St. Olaf
around 4:30pm - stop at Carbone's Pizzeria in Farmington (10 N. 8th St, Farmington, MN 55024) off of Hwy 3 on the way back to eat
around 6:00pm - arrive back to Trinity

Top 3 Teams: Trophies and Team Medals
Top 10 Individuals: Medals
Top 25 Individuals: All-State

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Trinity CC - Week Twelve Schedule


We have entered the final week of the cross country season, with our Boys and Girls teams preparing for the State Meet.

For many runners the official cross country season has ended. Practices are optional for any runners that are not running at the State Meet, but practice is no longer a required commitment...and those continuing to train for the Nike Regional meet will join us most days. It is a great way to extend your training with teammates while we still have great weather!

Here's the schedule for the upcoming week...please note the shorter practice times:

Week Twelve Schedule:
Monday, November 2nd - 3:30-5:00pm at Trinity School
Tuesday, November 3rd - 3:00-7:30pm - going to St. Olaf College - We will leave immediately following the school day and run the course for Saturday. If any CC runners would like to make the trip, we have a limited number of seats - please let me know as soon as possible. We also plan to eat supper in Northfield before returning to Trinity around 7:30pm.
Wednesday, November 4th - Run On Your Own - option to run at 6:45am at Trinity School
Thursday, November 5th - 3:30-5:00pm at Trinity School
Friday, November 6th - 1:00-5:00pm - Pre-Meet Social at St. Olaf College - We will leave Trinity at 1:00pm and go to Northfield to pickup our registration packet, participate in the pre-meet practice time and event program, and come back to Trinity by 5:00pm.  Because we will be getting out of school...only those running will plan to make the trip with the coaches.  For everyone else, this is a Run On Your Own day.
Saturday, November 7th - State Meet at St. Olaf College - Class A Girls Race at 1:00pm, Class A Boys Race at 2:00pm. We plan to take a caravan from Trinity at 10:30am to be at the race site by 11:30am.  We will stay through the Class A awards ceremony that will start around 3:00pm and finish around 3:45pm.  We do plan to stop somewhere to eat on the way back from the meet on the edge of the Metro Area and bring kids from the caravan back to Trinity around 6:30pm.

We are hoping that many teammates and fans can make the trip to Northfield to cheer on the Trinity cross country teams at State!

Please let me know if you have any questions.
