Monday, June 16, 2008

Strides & Drills

These drills are intended to be done after some of our workouts. It is a form of cross-training to provide a combination of speedwork, injury prevention and build strength that isn't necessarily obtained through running/jogging.

This routine will take roughly 10 minutes to complete.

Strides & Drills Routine:
1 - Strides - 3 x 50m (focus on good posture, standing tall with head up and a forward arm motion)
2 - Heel, Toe Walk - 15m - front & back (pop up on your toes as you roll from heel to toe)
3 - Heel, Toe Skips - 15m - front & back (bouncy)
4 - High Knees - 15m - front & back, left & right (on the balls of your feet)
5 - Butt Kicks - 15m - front & back, left & right
6 - Walking Lunges - 15m - front & back (knee shouldn't pass the toe - keep knee off the ground, but close)
7 - Carioca - 15m - left & right side
8 - Carioca w/High Knees - 15m - left & right (left knee high as it crosses the body)
9 - Double-Leg Hop - 15m - front & back, left & right (easy hops with arm action)
10 - Double-Leg Hop for Distance - 15m - down & back (controlled, long jumps with arm action)
11 - Single-Leg Dot Drill - the jump routine is - forward, home, left, home, forward, home, right, home...that equals one circuit - do 5-10 circuits with each leg (not fast, under control is more important)
12 - Strides - 3 x 50m (focus on good posture, standing tall with head up and a forward arm motion)

This routine is taken from Matt Tegenkamp, American record holder in the 2-mile (8:07.07). It is the warm up routine for his core strength workout.

See the video link below to see Tegenkamp explaining each drill. Matt Tegenkamp Core Strength, Part One - Warm Up:

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