Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nokomis Invitational

Here are the details for the Nokomis Invitational:

Race: Nokomis Invitational - hosted by Minneapolis South
Date: Thursday, September 3rd
Place: Lake Nokomis in South Minneapolis (races start near East Nokomis Parkway and 50th Street)
Time: Trinity runners will be leaving immediately following school (3:15pm) - races start at 4:00pm, the first race with Trinity runners will be 5:00pm.
Directions: From Trinity School, take 494 West to 77/Cedar Avenue North, take 77/Cedar Avenue North into Minneapolis and find parking on street near 50th - 52nd Streets.
Drivers: Carmen Quinlivan, Vanna Valentas and Kim Kelly-Sommer

Schedule of Events:
4:00pm - Girls Junior Varsity (4000m) - no Trinity runners
4:30pm - Boys Junior Varsity (5000m) - no Trinity runners
5:00pm - Girls Varsity (4000m) - Theresa Gross, Carmen Quinlivan, Emily Brubaker, Katie Stephenson, Catherine DeMarais and Linnea Bellomo
5:30pm - Boys Varsity (5000m) - Cody Sommer, Patrick Earhart, JonElliott Brubaker, Jonathon Valentas and Charlie Leighton
6:00pm - Boys Underclassmen (3000m) - Jacob Bellomo, Rob Kranz and John Michael Berns
6:20pm - Girls Underclassmen (2000m) - Lucy Leighton, Sydney Kloster and Lotus Schifsky

Varsity 1st place teams: Trophies
Boys and Girls Underclassmen Race: 1st Place= medals, 2nd - 10th Places = Ribbons
Boys and Girls Junior Varsity Race: 1st - 3rd Places = medals, 4th - 15th Places = Ribbons
Boys and Girls Varsity Race: 1st - 7th Places = medals, 8th - 20th Places = Ribbons

It is traditional team scoring, add the places of your top 5 runners for a team score.

Teams Participating:
Burnsville, Henry Sibley, Meadow Creek Christian, Minneapolis Henry/North, Minneapolis Roosevelt, Minneapolis South, Minneapolis Washburn, Osseo, Richfield, St. Paul Central, St. Paul Harding, Shakopee, Spring Lake Park, South St. Paul and Trinity School at River Ridge.

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