Monday, November 29, 2010

2010 Season Wrap-Up


This is long overdue, but I do want to recap some of the season ending items to share with everyone.

1) State Meet

In her first CC season, Mary Ennis qualified for the State Cross Country meet as an individual. It was encouraging to see her teammates train with Mary in the week before the meet, rally around her in preparing to race, and show up to cheer her on at the championship event. Here are the results:

15:57.0 - Mary Ennis (5:56, 6:58, 3:03) - 45th place
(153 total girls runners)

As you can see by the splits, most of the second mile was run into a stiff wind. It was a good finish to a fantastic first season of CC for Mary. Lots of success for a first-year runner, but it might only be the start of something bigger, as Mary is a very driven and motivated individual.

2) Academic All-State

I am not sure if everyone is aware of this achievement, but both the Trinity Boys and Girls Cross Country teams attained Academic All-State Gold-Level honor. This means that the varsity runners listed on the Section 4A roster averaged a GPA level of 3.75 or higher. Congratulations to both squads!

3) Team Awards

Our CC banquet seems long ago now, but on Tuesday, November 9th we recognized these runners with well-deserved awards, as voted on by coaches and students:

Most Valuable - Charlie Leighton
Most Dedicated - JonElliott Brubaker
Most Improved - Jonathon Valentas
Spirit Award - JonElliott Brubaker

Most Valuable - Mary Ennis
Most Dedicated - Rebecca Driessen
Most Improved - Ayana Anderson
Spirit Award - Katie Stephenson

4) Motivation for 2011 Season

I spoke about this at the end of the CC banquet, but it is worth repeating here. Summer/off-season training is the key ingredient to Trinity CC becoming a powerhouse program. Both the boys and girls teams have taken great strides and are ready for the next step. It is going to take a group of motivated and hard working individuals committed to summer training to reach lofty goals that would include qualifying for the State meet.

There is no magic method to becoming a better and faster runner, but I can give you some important advice a previous coach of mine imparted on me:

Coach: "Do you know the secret to becoming a better runner? To run. And run some more. And do it often."

Seems simple doesn't it? ...but when the cold winter months or the busy summer months roll around, it gets harder and harder to keep the routine and remember that consistency in training is the best way to improve.

5) Thanks

I want to say
thanks again to the parents and families of the cross country runners for hosting events, providing transportation, timing and working at meets, and for your support throughout the season. Our success comes from your involvement and the positive team atmosphere you help us instill in the program.

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