Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Season Awards

Our CC banquet seems so long ago now, but on Saturday, November 15th we acknowledged these runners with well-deserved awards:

Most Valuable - Henry Brink
Most Dedicated - Thomas Wilkin
Most Improved - Alex Baum
Spirit Award - Sam Hill
Junior High Runner of the Year - Charlie Cruse

Most Valuable - Theresa Mueller
Most Dedicated - Lotus Schifsky
Most Improved - Abby Turbenson
Spirit Award - Anna Maunu
Junior High Runner of the Year - Elizabeth Neil

The Trinity girls team was also named the Division II Co-National Champions by the National Coaches Association (Division II = small school division, less than 600 students 9-12)!  They sent a banner to acknowledge the title that you can see in the Trinity gym next to the Class A State Championship banner.  Congratulations again to the Trinity girls cross country team!

Motivation for 2014 Season-
Summer and off-season training are the keys for any individual and team success in distance running...and it's no different at Trinity.

Many of you have had a chance to see what an improved summer of training has already done to establish a routine of running, which leads to faster times and better racing.  Let's keep the growth of this cross country program going by each doing our part to improve and have the patience to stick with training!

Every runner should evaluate their own situation and determine what the next step in their training should be to improve - it will be different for everyone based on experience, previous summer training, and age. If you have questions, please ask me...I would be glad to help.

There is no magic method to becoming a better and faster runner, but I can give you some important advice a previous coach of mine imparted on me:

Coach: "Do you know the secret to becoming a better runner? To run. And run some more. And do it often."

Seems simple doesn't it? ...but when the cold winter months or the busy summer months roll around, it gets harder and harder to be diligent in keep the routine and remember that consistency in training is the best way to improve.

Thank you-
I want to say thanks again to the parents and families of the cross country runners for hosting events, providing transportation, working at meets, and for your support and patience throughout the season. It can be a big challenge for coaches with such a large group of athletes, but we are always impressed with the willingness of so many to chip in and help out as needed.  Our success comes from your involvement and the positive team atmosphere you help us instill in the program.

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