Saturday, August 6, 2011

Athletic Forms and Student Sport Registration


We are just about ready for the cross country season to begin and in order for students to participate in practice, they will need to have completed the proper paperwork and forms.

Trinity has made much of this process easier by listing the sport signup information online and also making the registration forms available to download and complete at home.

I wanted to list a couple of important links here:

Here is the link to download the athletic forms:

Here is the link for sports signup information:

Many of the cross country items for volunteers, transportation, and fees will be taken care of online.

We also will have a cross country parents meeting on Monday, August 29th at 6:00pm after cross country practice at Trinity School to help any new parents get familiar with sport, go over any additional details and policies, and answer any questions.

If you need anything else or have any questions for now, please let me know.


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