Sunday, September 4, 2011

Parent Meet Workers


This summer we were in jeopardy of losing one of our favorite meets, the Private School Championships.  We did decide to step forward and take ownership in running this meet rather than having it cancelled, so it has created a need for workers at an additional meet.  Thank you to all parents for your support and assistance to give these runners the best meet schedule we can and help run two of the best high school meets this fall.

We also tried to designate a girls parent worker for the boys race and a boys parent worker for the girls race - that's why you see two parents listed for any working spots that will occur during the race.

Private School Championships-

Here's the list of parents scheduled to work at the Private School Championships at St. Catherine University on Thursday, September 13th:

Chute Worker/Finish Line: Stephenson / Berchem
Chute Worker/Finish Line: Brylski / Tallarini
Chute Worker/Finish Line: Schmidt / Kranz
Chute Worker/Finish Line: Kehl / Cline-Cole
Course Worker/Directions: Michalak / Baum
Course Worker/Directions: Bodette / Berns
Course Worker/Directions: Mueller / Hill
Course Worker/Directions: Bulson-Lewis / True

Please report to the finish line/chute area at 3:30pm to receive instructions for your work assignment.

Trinity Invitational-

Here's the list of parents scheduled to work at our home meet, the Trinity Invitational at the Dakota County Fairgrounds on Tuesday, October 2nd:

Boys Registration Table: Maunu, Miller
Girls Registration Table: Wilkin
Chute Worker/Finish Line: Mitchell / True
Chute Worker/Crowd Control: Paquette / Gerdes
Starting Line Coordinator/Chute Worker: Brewer / Leighton
Finish Line Video Recorder: Mealey / Schumacher
Timer/Results Helper: Maunu / Berns
Course Worker/Directions: Carlson / Croll
Course Worker/Directions: Ennis / Brink
Course Worker/Directions: Nordhues /Tallarini
Course Worker/Directions: Wilkin / Kranz
Course Worker/Directions: Neil / Berchem
Course Worker/Directions: Ryan / Viltoft
Split Announcer/1-Mile Mark: DeMarais / Baum
Split Announcer/2-Mile Mark: Griffith / Cline-Cole

More details and instruction will be sent to parents/workers before the meet. We will also have a workers meeting at 4:00pm, 30 minutes before the races start to go over final details on race day.

If you have any questions for now, please let me know.


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